How to enlarge your penis with a vacuum pump

Enlarge penis with vacuum pump

There are quite a few men who are not satisfied with the size or shape of their penis. In addition, an uncertain erection causes anxiety every third. For these problems, there is a viable solution - a vacuum pump. In the article we will tell you how to use a vacuum pump properly, how to choose it correctly and what techniques exist to increase penis size.

Is it possible to increase members with pomp

An erection pump is a device to increase blood and lymph flow to the penis by using a vacuum.. The device consists of a sphere (cylinder) and a pressure regulator. The procedure to "pump" a member is calledpump. Similar devices are also used by official medicine for LOD therapy. It helps to stimulate blood and lymph flow and improves erection. With regular contact, the cavernous bodies will stretch and retain more blood, the penis becomes larger, so penis enlargement by vacuum pump is completely possible.

Working principle of vacuum penile machine

How the pump works:The penis is placed in a flask, their edges are pressed tightly against the groin, after which negative pressure is created in the flask. The penis is formed by cavernous bodies, which include a large number of cavernous bodies. The larger their potential volume, when excited, filled with blood, the larger the erect penis. Tissues are stretched in a vacuum due to increased blood and lymph flow, and when they return to normal, they return to normal.

The erection pump, by its active nature, is a type of drug analogue:Quickly stimulate an erection with just one use and improve the function of the cavernous bodies with one course.If pumping is done regularly, then gradually the contraction of the tissues becomes incomplete, they stretch. This is the goal of most men who exercise with pomps.

The length of the penis is limited by the so-called tunic(This term is often found on the forums of NUPers, followers of natural penis enlargement). This is a protein membrane that covers the cavernous bodies. The tunic is necessary to maintain an erection - it compresses the veins of the penis and prevents blood from flowing out. Without stretching the fibers of the ao dai, it is not possible to increase the size of the penis.. The effectiveness of the exercises depends on its density and the number of layers. These parameters are individual for each man.

Types of pumps, advantages and disadvantages

According to the nature of the work environment affecting the member,pumps are classified into vacuum and water. In the first case, air is used. Types of vacuum pump:

  1. On manual control. As an air blower - a pear or rubber lever. A pressure gauge and a relief valve are provided to control the pressure;
  2. On autopilot. Negative pressure is generated in the automatic pump;
  3. vibrate.

Advantages of vacuum enlarger:

  • Enlarge the penis and improve erection by improving blood flow in the penis;
  • Affordable, unlike penis enlargement and lengthening surgery.


  • Possible side effects of exercise: bruising, brown spots. All this is a consequence of micro-injury and rupture of capillaries from overexposure to the device;
  • If prolonged use is improper, the member may lose sensitivity.

The dehumidifier uses warm water as the working medium. The more it flows out of the bottle, the more the penis "pulls".There are 3 types of water pumps:

  • Classic. One end of the flask enters the fold, is pressed into the groove, and acts as a pump: when pressed, the water drains through the valve at the other end;
  • Combine. Water can be drained both with the help of corrugated cuts, and by pressing a pear with a hole through it, which is connected by a flexible hose to the other end of the flask;
  • With automatic control.

Hydropumps are considered the most effective and safe, but its price is several times more expensive than vacuum pumps..In warm water, the possibility of tissue damage is much less, since extremely low pressure is not generated, the penis warms up well.

Some curious men buy a vacuum pump with a long cylinder, which fills with water so that the tip of the penis is hidden, but the height does not reach the top (water cannot enter the tube). When the air is pumped out, the vacuum pump starts to work on the water principle.

How to choose a vacuum pump

When choosing a pump, it is important to consider not only its principle of operation, but also size.The bottle must be 5 cm longer (if overweight, another 2 cm) and 1-2 cm wider than the erect penis..If the pump is intended to be used to lengthen the penis, you can choose a narrow one, if the work goes to the circumference, then wider.(add 4-6 cm to the circumference of the already erect member). Since devices are marked with a diameter, the value obtained when measuring the circumference of a part must be divided by the number Pi (3. 14).

Pumps with bottles that are too wide for penis enlargement are useless for the following reasons:

  1. The protein shell does not stretch well, the corpus cavernosum is not fully involved.
  2. The member will be flooded with lymph, the foreskin will increase immeasurable.
  3. The skin on the testicles will stretch during movement, causing severe discomfort.

In narrow vessels, joints close to the circumference, the tip of the penis is exposed to too much force, so it receives microtrauma. Approximate parameters for pump selection are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Specified parameters for tank selection

Penis abdomen (with the effect of increasing volume) Penis capsule (to increase length) Pump diameter in inches (2. 54 cm in inches)
6-8 8-10 1. 5
8-10 10-12 1, 75
10-12 12-14 2
12-14 14-16 2, 25
14-16 16-18 2. 5
16-18 18-20 2, 75
18-20 20-22 3

With the penis contour spec, you're better off choosing a smaller pump size.

The jar must be hard and transparent, the rubber parts must be elastic.. In order to permanently increase penis size, the device will be used regularly, so it is important to purchase new parts for the pump (pump, pressure gauge, flask, sealing ring).

Regarding care, after each use, the pump bottle is washed with a mild detergent and treated with an antiseptic solution and dried.. Buttons and ties should be left loose for further drying. Pump experts recommend periodically lubricating the pump with sewing machine oil.

Prices, best models and where to buy

Largest selection of pumps in online sex stores, some models can also be purchased at sex shops. The simplest vacuum pump (with a hand pump) for penis enlargement will cost$10. Products with rubber pear -from $35. The cost of an electric pump startsfrom $50. Products from the American manufacturer are considered the highest quality. Starting pricefrom 150 dollars.

Typehydropumpgive preference to products of British manufacturers. Prices varyfrom $180before$500.

Hydropump for penis enlargement

How to make a do-it-yourself penis pump

Making a pump with your own hands, if there are quite cheap options on the market, is impractical. But if there is a desire to carry out such creativity, then the following materials will be required:

  • Plastic cylinder (glass can crack). You can adapt a baby bottle for this;
  • Flexible tube. Suitable from dropper;
  • Pear or piston device. After this, you can use a large syringe.

The bottom of the bottle is cut. On the other side, an incision is made on the side, in which the tube is fixed with a sealant. The second end of the tube is attached to the tip of the syringe. Homemade pump is ready. You can also make a device out of an air compressor or a bicycle pump.

Homemade pump option

How to enlarge the penis using the pomp technique?

There are two methods to increase penis size with a pump: encapsulation and classic pumping.Packing (translated from English means "packing") - calculated according to the length of the penis. For this, a narrow sphere is used. This technique is optimal for curved members, since in wide vases the bending angle becomes more pronounced, the length is lost. The penis when placed in a narrow vessel must be lubricated.

With the classic pump, the focus is on increasing the volume of the penis, using a wide bottle. Between sets, you can do an exercise to push through the spongy body that surrounds the urethra (more on the exercise below).


You can start classes only after preliminary study of the pump manual. A lubricant (not an oil) should be prepared in advance, which will act as a sealant when pressing the sides of the vessel into the groove.

  • Getting started is the first step.. Before being placed into the cylinder, the penis must be heated with steam or warm water for 5 - 10 minutes.
  • The second stage - jelq (jelqing) - a penis enlargement technique. The procedure is performed on a semi-erectile organ. The technique is simple: the penis is grasped at the base ("OK-grab" - a ring formed by the thumb and forefinger), then the ring with light pressure is moved towards the head for at least 3 seconds andseconds hand instantly Occupy. Before using the pump, the penis can be kneaded using any of the jelq techniques. 50-100 repetitions are enough.
  • The third stage is to place the semi-erect penis into the pump bottle.. First, you need to apply lubricant to the pubic area (do not touch the scrotum) and the base of the scrotum, and then gently press on the skin of the groin (it is better to remove the hairs first - they interfere with the sealing). . ). Make a few swipes with the pump and check for leaks.

To performSponge body push exerciseyou need to pull the skin of the penis towards you as much as possible, then put your thumb at the base of it up and the rest down, really getting them deep into the scrotum. In this area, there is a groove between the corpus cavernosum, through which you can feel the centrally located urethra. Then you need to squeeze the penis hard (so that the lower fingers "submerge", try to touch the upper part), slowly pull it towards the head. When moving again, the handle is slightly weaker. Repeat 10-15 times.

Advanced pumping experts recommend taking the process in several short approaches, alternating them with jelq. Periodic massage will prevent the accumulation of lymph under the skin of the penis ("donut effect", "lips").In the first 2 months, just do 3 sets of 15 minutes each, between them - 1 minute jelq. Intermediate users switch to 20-30 minute sets.

When using the pump for the first time, it is important to get a feel for how the regulator works:Pressure is carefully adjusted to a maximum of 3 inches of mercury, then listen for sensations. After 10 minutes, you can increase the pressure by 1-2 units, hold for 5 minutes, let in air and remove the pump. Lubricating and "milky" members with jelq.In the second and third approaches, the working pressure increases by 1 and 2 units, respectively.(only if it's comfortable).Procedure ends with jelcom(50-100 repetitions) and lubricate the member with anti-blemish ointment. A new session the next day starts from the previous level.

The optimal pumping time is 15 minutes.(regardless of skill level). The tissues of the penis are in time saturated with oxygen, their risk of necrosis is reduced.

The optimal pressure in the pump according to the "old people" is 2-4 HgAnd not just for beginners. Some seek to enhance it until the corresponding sensations appear in the penis, but such measures can prevent growth. Doctor's opinion: pressures of more than 5 Hg severely impair blood circulation and can lead to irreversible damage to the structure of the penis. Ultimately, the determining factor is the individual's sense of well-being.

The pump training routine is built in such a way that the tissues have time to recover.Should have 2-3 days off per week. For best results, the pump can be combined with manual techniques (clamp, stretch with a stretcher, hang, juli). All of these exercises become much more effective when performed immediately after pumping.

Vacuum extender improves pumping resultsThe loop extender is recommended for use with the vacuum pump

According to user reviews, persistent penis enlargement with the correct use of the pump can be achieved after 3-5 years of regular practice. After about the first 10 months, the length will increase by 2-3 cm, but when you stop exercising, the increase will gradually decrease.

Safety rules and contraindications

The biggest mistake most men make when using a pump iswick. The "more is better" principle doesn't work here.You cannot exercise for longer than the prescribed time and the intensity is higher than the allowed limit. This won't lead to quick results, butThere will be negative consequences:

  • The erection will disappear, it will take a long time to recover;
  • The penis will show signs of "wear and tear";
  • Broken blood vessels will lead to the draining of blood from the urethra;
  • The skin of the penis will darken, hematomas will appear on it, including the inside - and this is painful and there is a high risk of scarring (which will lead to irreversible erectile dysfunction).

If there is pain or burning when exercising, you need to remove the pump and massage the penis. There should be no discomfort. The penis must be lubricated before being placed in the pump. You can use nicotine-containing creams.

Pump contraindications:

  • Priapism;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • Fragile blood vessels, atherosclerosis;
  • Infectious inflammatory processes in the pelvic region;
  • The use of pain relievers.

Before buying a pump, you mustconsult a doctor. Ideally, you should be screened for infections,check the condition of the vessels of the penis and the entire small pelvis. The survey will help determinepotential problems in the form of blood clots, tumors, strict diseases. All of these pathologies are immediately aggravated by the use of the pump.


We've gathered some feedback from the NUPer forums.

  • "I started using the vacuum pump - I liked the feeling, but it seemed I was too much pressure and time (I did 1. 5-2 hours a day). As a result, the erection went away. This device is very effective, indispensable for those who urgently need to improve their erection before the date, but it is important not to overdo it.
  • "From my three-year pumping experience, I learned the following: 3 sets of 10 minutes are better than 1 and a half. Penis increased by 2 cm, erection problems disappeared and no side effects: The color of the penis is normal, it is not pigmented.
  • "The American manufacturer's pumps are the best: the pump doesn't break, the pressure gauges are accurate, the cylinders fit perfectly, the mounting system is free of unnecessary gaskets, washers, and other components. "other falling and cracking devices. "
  • "Buy a British pump praised. Disliked. Reasons: 1 - the folds are too stiff (while you press down, you'll get a bruise on your pubic), and 2 - you need to face the situation. "such blistering in the bath or in the shower, and this is not beneficial for those who have a counter.


The pump is, first of all, a powerful tool for increasing the hardness of an erection by exercising the blood vessels (especially important for middle-aged men). An increase in penis length and volume is not a "side effect", but many people try for it. The training requires patience and time, but really helps to achieve results.